Have you ever wanted to herd cats? Do you have a yearning for unpaid work? Then we have the opportunity for you! We are looking for volunteers to help organize the many activities that CRW offers. These are high-impact volunteer positions where you can help shape the direction of the club and make the club a better experience for everyone. You would be surprised at how satisfying it is to have members enjoy the results of your work and even occasionally thank you. If any of these positions appeal to you, please contact the designated individual.
1. Assistant to the Treasurer. We are looking for someone with finance experience, preferably with Quickbooks experience, who would work with our current Treasurer, Amy Wilson. The goal is to learn the responsibilities of the position this year and transition to Treasurer next year when Amy steps down. For further information about the position, please contact Amy directly at amybarnumwilson [at] gmail.com
2. Century Committee/Coordinator. We are looking for someone to serve as a co-director of the Century Committee. This person would be in charge of organizing the club’s two annual centuries. We can pair you with a co-director who has led this committee, and who has experience organizing CRW centuries. For further information about this position, please contact Larry Kernan at larry.kernan [at] gmail.com
3. Diversity Program Co-Coordinator. We are looking for a second Diversity Program Coordinator to help organize diversity rides and programs. There is a budget for activities and support from the Board. For more information, please contact Edward Cheng at edward_cheng_89 [at] yahoo.com
4. Graphic Designer. We need to recruit a graphic designer to help with some design tasks now that we have a new logo. Also name tags needs a new design, as well as century T-shirts, and there’s a range of CRW gear particularly jerseys needing design work. For further information about this position, please contact Larry Kernan at larry.kernan [at] gmail.com
5. VP of Volunteers. We are an all-volunteer club, and we need someone to run and organzine the club's substantial volunteer activities. Tasks include building a file of members who are interested in volunteering, including their skills and interests. The VP would match these members to open jobs such as century slots or ride support requirements. He or she would work on key events to make them a reality. If interested, please contact Mary Kernan at mary.kernan [at] gmail.com
6. Adventure Program Co-Leader. We are looking for a member to co-lead our Adventure Program, which is currently led by Emily Vigeant. The adventure program organizes and supports the club’s multi-day bike tours throughout the year. This position requires experience with overnight bike touring. For further information about this position, please contact Emily Vigeant at talktoemilyv [at] gmail.com
Ed Cheng is President of CRW.