As our all too short summer draws to a close, we will be entering into peak fall riding season. There is still time to get out on your bikes and put in some miles.
We have an exciting 2022 Cranberry Harvest Century planned for September 18, 2022. The 2022 Century Committee -- Larry Kernan, Susan Grieb, Eric Dentremont, Mark Nardone, and John O'Dowd -- have been planning and working for months. Equally critical are the volunteers who have stepped forward to work the rest stops, run the sag wagon, purchase the supplies, and the many other tasks. I know that the century will be great ride! Register now and don’t miss it.
In addition, we will be opening a CRW store featuring items with our new logo that our club adopted last year. We will be starting off with a few selections this year as we go through the process, for first time in several years, designing and arranging for the opening of the store. This will be the chance for members to refresh their legacy jerseys and for others to show their support for the club. I look forward to seeing our new CRW jerseys by the Spring.
Last, a thanks to the ride leaders who have been posting rides. We have had a full calendar of weekend, recurring, and specialty rides with something for everyone. If there's a weekend ride that you have not seen on the calendar, let the VP of Rides, Mary Kernan, know, and we will see what we can do to make it happen. Better yet, become a ride leader and post your favorite ride!