October 2022 WheelPeople


CRW Votes - 2022

John O'Dowd

CRW Votes!

The time is upon us to vote for our new CRW Board members who will begin their terms in January 2023. We have five open Board seats. Three seats are full three-year terms and the fourth and fifth are for the completion of an existing seat. One seat is for 2 years and the other seat is for one year.


The Board does a lot of work behind the scenes to set the policy and direction for the Club.  We’re all volunteers and taking about a minute to cast your vote will let the candidates know that you appreciate their willingness to contribute their time to the Club.


Each CRW member will get 5 votes. You may only cast one vote per candidate. You must be a club member (and logged into the website) to vote


There are 5 candidates and their nomination statements can be viewed here CANDIDATE STATEMENTS


Come hear the candidates speak and answer questions at our Zoom Meet on Tuesday September 27, 7:00 pm. Each candidate will introduce themselves, and why they deserve your vote. Afterwards we will open the meeting up to questions from the membership. Take part in the democratic process and attend this event! The Zoom meeting specifics will be published on the club's homepage the Sunday before the event.  Link to the zoom meeting information is HERE


Voting will be held from October 1st to the 6th with final results published on the website and in the November WheelPeople.  Please be sure to vote by going to this page:  https://www.crw.org/content/board-election-voting-2022 Note that voting begins October 1st, not before. Your vote will be heard!


You must be logged in to your CRW account to vote.  If you have any problems logging in, please contact the CRW Membership Coordinator, Barry Nelson, at membership [at] crw.org (subject: Voting%20Problem) .


Election Guidelines can be viewed HERE. They cover expected behavior for all those involved in the election.






CRW Board



Erik D’Entremont 

I am Erik D’Entremont, a CRW member since 2017. That was the year I rode my first century when I joined friends for the spring ride, North to New Hampshire. I was amazed that volunteers could put on such an incredible event and I was hooked. 


I have subsequently stepped up to become a Ride Leader. I enjoy running a variety of rides and you may have met me on my Martha’s Vineyard ride. This year, with a fellow leader, I added the Dover Paceline ride and we worked with riders of all speeds who wanted to learn disciplined paceline skills. 


This year I joined the Century Committee to help organize this year’s Cranberry Harvest Century. I had no idea how much work went into organizing a century but gamely stepped in, scouting out new rest stops, creating and then scouting routes. It was an incredible learning experience, and I am humbled by the contributions our volunteers make to the Club. 

I recently attended a CRW Board meeting and knew I was ready to contribute in yet another way. 


Covid presented many challenges to our club. We persevered in a challenging pandemic maintaining our ride calendar for all levels of rides and introduced many new ride options including Adventure, Gravel and Women’s Rides.  As your board nominee, I pledge to continue to serve the mission of CRW. I appreciate your consideration and ask for the privilege of serving you as a CRW Board member.



Barbara Jacobs

I have been a member of CRW since 2015.  Three years ago, I took over as Coordinator of Bike Thursday just as the pandemic upended our lives.  Once CRW opened up in August 2020 the Bike Thursday rides began.  We rode in small groups, wore masks, and had socially distanced picnics.  This series is still running today.  We average 33 members on each Thursday ride, break up into 3 groups each with an individual leader and have a picnic after every ride.  The goal of Bike Thursday is not only to ride, but to socialize and support members who want to ride shorter distances at a relaxed pace.

My involvement in CRW (beyond Bike Thursday) has included volunteering at CRW centuries, participating in the Ride Leader training program, supporting many members to become Ride Leaders and encouraging membership into the club. 

Over the years, biking has been a big focus of my life.  I have ridden throughout the United States, Canada and Europe.  While working in Boston I commuted by bike to my office, rode in the PMC, and the first Boston to NYC Aids Ride.

I hope to support the board and the CRW community with my expertise in training, development and encouragement of all members of the club.





Amy Juodawlkis

I joined CRW in 2020. My first ride was a women’s ride. I was thrilled to find it so welcoming and friendly, and a good way to get back into riding after a few years of injuries. In June 2021, I became a ride leader. I currently lead three weekday rides (Praline Croissant, Speedy Croissant, and Battle Road Gravel). I am an active volunteer for the club as the Gravel Program Co-Leader, and as a member of the Women’s Program Committee. Last year I initiated and hosted Acoustic Trainer Rides over Discord to provide winter indoor group-riding options to members without smart trainers. Over the past few months, I have been honored to serve on the CRW Board, temporarily filling the seat vacated by Amy Wilson.


I am passionate about bringing new members to the club, and providing rides and social opportunities that act as an on “on-ramp” to the club for cyclists who might at first be intimidated by the big group rides. I am also committed to building the ranks of our ride leaders; I’m always looking for new recruits!  


I look forward to continuing to work with the Board to grow and advance the club’s mission and to create cycling experiences our members will love. PS: Juodawlkis is pronounced ja-DOLL-kiss






Mark Nardone

Hello CRW friends, my name is Mark Nardone and I have been riding with you since late 2019. I joined as someone new to road riding and found a community of warm, engaging and friendly cyclists, willing to share their knowledge and skills. I haven’t looked back since and look forward to every chance to ride and meet the spectrum of riders who are part of the club. I’ve been a ride leader since the 2021 season and have been part of the Century committee this year, another group of dedicated people who have worked hard to bring you a great Cranberry event. I’m running to join the board with the encouragement of other members, and hope to be able to serve the club working to bring more diversity and inclusion to the membership, crafting events which will be accessible to riders of all levels and experience, and developing opportunities for riders to enjoy the amazing roads a scenery of New England. I truly believe that cycling has something for everyone, no matter your experience and skill, and I hope to promote and encourage riders new and old to take to the roads












Eli Post

I have been involved in managing the Club for many years. It’s been a long ride! I ran the ride program for several years, led multiple rides, was century chair, was a major contributor to WheelPeople and served as President. Most recently I am serving as Editor of WheelPeople.  I believe I’ve helped make rides a more satisfying experience and CRW a better club. During my time as VP for Rides, I never missed a weekend date. As century chair I made many reforms and contributions. The one I think of is serving pizza at the after-ride party. The dish was filling and tasty and we never ran out. The store was always happy to deliver more, and there was always a pizza shop near the century start location. I wish to continue my service if elected to the board. While I am open to new ideas, the Club faces several challenges in the years ahead as it transitions from the limitations imposed by Covid, and I feel my experience will help facilitate that transition. The most significant issue, in my opinion, is restoring the weekend ride program.











































President's Message October 2022

Edward Cheng
We are in the busy season for CRW:
First, we have our Annual Elections.  A fine slate of candidates have stepped forward to run for the five open positions on the Board.  You will have a chance to meet them via zoom on Tuesday September 27, 7:00 pm. Each candidate will introduce themselves, and explain why they deserve your vote. Afterwards we will open the meeting up to questions from the membership.  Then, vote early and often for the candidates to show your support.  
Second, we just finished a fully supported 2022 Cranberry Harvest Century.  We had over 400 riders, 50+ volunteers, a party planner (Mary Kernan), and a Century Committee (Larry Kernan, Susan Grieb, Erik Dentremont, Mark Nardone, and John O'Dowd) that spent countless hours organizing the event, which went off without a hitch.  The weather even cooperated.   I, for one, am wholly delighted that we were able to plan and pull this off.  I'm already looking forward to riding next year's century.
Third, we have our annual Ride Leader Party on Sunday, October 2, where we thank our intrepid Ride Leaders.  Without our ride leaders to plan and lead our rides, we would not have a club. 
Last, I would like to give a shout out to our volunteers -- fellow Board members, officers, ride leaders, century volunteers, and others.  We run our club on 100% volunteer time to support the riding for well over 2,000 members.  Many, if not most, have full time jobs (or kids!), which can sometimes get in the way of club responsibilities, yet our volunteers keep showing up.  Seeing how much time and effort it took to organize the century left a huge impression on me -- one of sincere gratitude.  If anyone reading this would like to help out, send an email to me at edward_cheng_89 [at] yahoo.com 
As we enter the shoulder season and the days get shorter, get in your rides and enjoy the roads.  






Cranberry Harvest Century

The club ran a fully supported century on September 18, 2022, It started in Myles Standish State Park in Plymouth and the routes covered beautiful country roads not often seen on club rides. By all accounts, the event was a success, and below are testimonials from the riders themselves:


Jeff Miller - Amazing job by all involved.Thank you to the amazing volunteers and all those at CRW who made this happen!

Ed Cheng - I rode today's Cranberry Harvest Century and I was delighted to see so many riders that had joined the event. It was a huge success with hundreds of happy (but tired) riders. A hearty and heart-felt thank you to the dozens of volunteers who made this ride possible, including our delightful volunteers at each of our three rest stops who dedicated their whole day to helping others, and the volunteers to ride sweep, register, organize, run the after-ride party, clean-up, run SAG, and shuttle food and equipment.

Paolo Lopes - Thanks CRW and all the people to make this ride possible.

Ilene Fabisch - This was an awesome event! A special thanks for having enough food for the later arrivals and for having vegan options at all the stops and the finish party - much appreciated

Jim Schneider - Great ride and the volunteers were even greater thank you

Goerge Akkeh - I did the 53 mile ride, it was so much fun, I add to voice to you, can’t thank enough everyone worked hard to make this event a successful one!THANK YOU !!

Chris Clancy - Ride was awesome thank you to all the volunteers they were fantastic!!

Lauren Hefferon - Agree 100% Super ride. My first time. Next time make sure to tell people to bring their bathing suits and towels. That lake was amazing

Pat Dow - Yes, it was a well run event. Thank you all

Terry Eisen -- Thank you to everyone involved in this great event.

Thomas R. Keery, II - Just want to say how great yesterday was. Some groups put on nice rides - yours are the models of perfection that others should emulate. Well done and thank you.


Over 400 riders participated, and the majority took advantage of the early bird discount. 60% of the riders did the full century, and the remainder did routes of 63 and  52 miles. It was a magic day, which is not to be missed the next time the club runs the ride.

We thank Clyde Kessel and Paulo Lopes for the photos.


Taking the Lane

Eli Post

We ordinarily urge you to stay to the right, out of the way of oncoming traffic, but there are times when riding in the middle of a lane is the safe course of action, one that is also legal.

“Taking the lane” refers to a cyclist riding in the middle of the lane to help control what motorists do on the road. By taking the lane you prevent motorists from passing you within your lane. There are many re a s o n s w h y you might want to take this action, and here are some of the more important ones. You are on a narrow road, or no shoulder, and it would be unsafe for a motorist to pass you. You are making your way through an intersection and don’t want any[1]one passing you (and possibly turning across your path). You are traveling at the speed of traffic and do not want a motorist  paralleling you in your lane. You are descending at high speed and want extra space for maneuvering. You want to be sure you’re visible to traffic.

To take a lane follow these steps, which assume you are traveling on the right-hand side of the right-hand lane. Look over your left shoulder to see if traffic is in your lane. When clear, signal your move to the center by pointing out with your left hand. If you are taking the lane and passing through an intersection, control the lane until you make it all the way through the intersection.

Taking the lane is both legal and useful, but it doesn’t mean that this is general knowledge. You may get honked at, but smile and keep on pedaling. Finally, when you no longer need to control the lane, move to the right and let the motorists go by.




This article originally ran in October 2012 WheelPeople.



Navigation Update

Eli Post


Those of you above a certain age will remember road maps. This was before GPS, before the Internet, before cell phones. To navigate by car, you spread the oversize maps on your lap or across the steering wheel, and tried to locate your destination, and the routes connecting you to that location. More often than not, you had to pull over and re-check where you were and possibly recalibrate the route. This was a laborious process, and, if you were in a hurry or late, also a safety hazard as you might continuously glance at the map, or even attempt to unfold it to a new section while still driving. All in all, a nightmare experience. And on the bike, all you had was printed cue sheets, which had the same dreadful issues.

The current situation is a miracle by comparison, and technology had freed us from the tyranny of the cue sheet. We mount a cell phone on our handlebar, download the route to an app, and enjoy seamless voice activated navigation. All in all dream by comparison to the old days.

So what can go wrong? I ordinarily use Waze for navigation when I am driving. I like and am comfortable with the interface. The other day I initiated Waze before a drive, but it got stuck, and I could not get it back to normal operation. So I abandoned the app and decided to use Google Maps instead. I was heading south into Rhode Island and all was fine for several miles. Then, however, for no particular reason, Waze came alive and was directing me to a location in northern MA. At the same time I had a voice directing me to Providence RI, and a competing voice directing me to Gloucester, MA. Dueling voices so to speak. I was in heavy traffic, and there was no place to pull over so I had to deal with the issue on the fly. Fortunately the female voices were slightly different, and I was able to follow one and ignore the other, but still an ordeal and tiring. Thank you for listening.

The good news however is that the Ride With GPS navigation app we use for our rides appears to work flawlessly. The app has completely replaced painted arrows, and we seldom hear complaints. Although occasionally we hear of folks losing the satellite or forgetting to download the route offline or having the battery die.


The club makes it easy for members to secure voice activated navigation. You must download the app and the join our Ride With GPS club account. Two easy steps to seamless navigation on club rides.





The Gluck Legal Takeaway - E-bikes

Ronald Gluck

We have all seen the evolution of e-bikes. There was a time that they were rare, unusual, homemade.  Now they are one of the hottest items in cycling and transportation in general.  E-bikes offer fun, exercise and affordable transportation.  Yet, they present potential danger when operated in some areas which were designed for traditional bikes, meaning pedal only bikes. 

 Cities, towns and state legislatures across the country have debated issues related to e-bikes for several years. The wide spectrum of models and increasing speed capacity of the bikes has slowed the passage of ordinances governing their use.  

It has become common for municipalities to establish three classifications for e-bikes, largely dependent on their maximum speed output. Recently, Massachusetts followed suit in an amendment to the Transportation Bill that was passed on August 1, 2022.  In the bill, definitions were adopted for Class 1 and Class 2 e-bikes.  The fact that these definitions exist enables municipalities to enact specific ordinances related to where these e-bikes can be ridden. It also offers the possibility of the adoption of other rules and regulations surrounding the use of them. The definitions are as follows:

Class 1: These e-bikes are pedal assisted and are limited to a top speed of 20 MPH with the electric motor working only when the rider is pedaling. Typically, Class 1 e-bikes in the United States can be ridden on traditional bike paths, lanes and anywhere else that a traditional bike is allowed.

Class 2: These e-bikes, commonly known as throttle e-bikes,  are also limited to a maximum speed of 20 MPH.  The difference between throttle e-bikes and pedal assisted e-bikes is that the throttles can propel the bike without the rider needing to pedal.  Riders can pedal, but do not have to do so.  In the United States these e-bikes typically can be ridden on the same paths as traditional bikes. 


Unless municipalities create ordinances prohibiting the use of Class 1 or Class 2 e-bikes on specific paths or trails, it is expected that they may be ridden on them.   Whether speed limits will be adopted and enforced is yet to be seen.  It is easy to imagine an unfortunate circumstance when an e-bike traveling at its top speed of 20 MPH comes across a slower rider, perhaps a child coming on the opposite direction, and an accident occurs.  It is true that traditional bikes can travel 20 MPH or more on a bike path but it is rare that cyclists on traditional bikes operating on a bike path travel at that speed.

Another classification of e-bikes is the Class 3 e-bike. These bikes can reach a top speed of 28 MPH.  The Commonwealth of Massachusetts did not adopt a legal definition of Class 3 e-bikes in the recent Transportation bill.  The most likely reason is that the 28 MPH top speed may present dangers that make these unsafe for use on traditional bikes paths.   These e-bikes likely fall into a gray zone of definition and use such that they may require licensing, insurance or other regulatory measures to make the use of them safe for the public. Typically, they are allowed in “on road” bike lanes, but they cannot be used on  bike paths or on trails that are shared with pedestrians.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) defines low speed electric bicycles as a two or three wheeled vehicle that includes fully operable pedals, a top speed of 20 MPH and an electric motor that produces less than 750 Watts of power. However, when it comes to the creation of rules for e-bikes on public roads and pathways these are classified under state jurisdictions and thus differ across the country.


The CPSC exempts Class 1 and Class 2 e-bikes from being classified as a motor vehicle. This has licensing and insurance implications different from those of the Class 3 e-bikes.  It may become common for states to require Class 3 e-bikes to be registered and insured, as is the case with motor scooters which have speed ranges starting at approximately 35 MPH.

Regarding liability for accidents caused by Class 1 and Class 2 e-bikes, users of these e-bikes are still insured by their homeowner’s and renter’s liability policies.   It will be wise to watch for changes in these policies as the use of e-bikes becomes even more common and insurers use the classifications adopted by the states to modify liability coverage for them.


Safe riding and stay well!

Ron Gluck





If you have questions about a particular incident or more generally about the subject matter of this column, feel free to contact Ron Gluck at gluck [at] bwglaw.com

Ron Gluck is a founder and principal at Breakstone White and Gluck in Boston. Throughout his 35 year legal career Ron has represented seriously injured individuals in a variety of cases including cycling accidents involving catastrophic injury and wrongful death. Ron is a CRW member.




The Athlete's Kitchen - Chocolate and Athletes


The Athlete’s Kitchen

Copyright: Nancy Clark MS RD CSS October 2022


Chocolate and Athletes


 During a long bike ride, I snack on chocolate to boost my energy.

After a hard workout, chocolate milk is my go-to recovery food!

How bad—or good—is chocolate for me?


Most athletes love chocolate in any form: candy bars, chocolate chip cookies, squares of dark chocolate. Over 60% of all US candy sales are chocolate-based. But how good—or bad—is chocolate for our health? Is it as health-promoting as we want it to be? What about all the sugar and caffeine that comes with the chocolate? Is dark chocolate a far better choice than milk chocolate? Below are answers regarding chocolate and your sports diet.


Is dark chocolate really a “health food”?

Chocolate is made from the fruit of cacao trees. Like all fruit, the cacao bean is a rich source of health-protective phytochemicals (flavonoids) that are antioxidants and fight inflammation. Roasted beans are used to create cocoa. Two tablespoons of natural cocoa powder (the amount in one cup of homemade hot cocoa) offer the antioxidant power of 3/4 cup blueberries. Impressive!

 The darker the chocolate, the better in terms of health-protective flavonoid content. Unfortunately, dark chocolate has a bitter taste, and many athletes prefer milk chocolate; it’s sweeter. That said, epidemiological surveys of large groups of people indicate those who regularly enjoy chocolate of any kind consume more flavonoids than non-chocolate eaters. This reduces their risk of heart disease. For example, in the Netherlands, elderly men who routinely ate chocolate-containing products had a 50% reduced risk of dying from heart disease (1). 



Shouldn’t we stay away from sugary foods, like chocolate?
The US Dietary Guidelines recommend a limit of 10% of calories from refined sugar per day. For most athletes, that's about 200 to 300 calories of carbohydrate (sugar) to fuel muscles. The better question is: What nutrients accompany the sugar? For example, “sugary” chocolate milk comes with high quality protein, calcium, vitamin D, riboflavin, and other life-sustaining nutrients. When used as a recovery fluid, it is far healthier than a sports drink, which is just sugar, water, and a dash of salt.


What about sugar spikes…? 
Chocolate has a high fat content. Fat slows the rate sugar enters the blood stream and thus reduces the risk of sugar spikes. The Glycemic Index ranks from 0 to 100 the blood glucose response after consumption of 200 calories (50 grams) of carbohydrate (sugar, starch). Gatorade ranks high on the Glycemic Index (78), M&Ms rank lower (33), and dark chocolate ranks even lower (23). Given most of us—well, some of us—don’t eat 200 calories of sugar from just one food at one time, a preferable ranking is the Glycemic Load, based on a standard serving of the food. For example, the Glycemic Load of a standard serving (8-ounces) of Gatorade is 12, chocolate milk is 3.5, and an ounce of M&Ms is 3. 


What about chocolate milk for post-exercise recovery?

Chocolate milk can be an enjoyable and nourishing treat that boosts intake of nutrients important for athletes. It has a low glycemic effect and is unlikely to contribute to sugar spikes. Drinking chocolate milk after a hard workout effectively refuels and repairs your muscles, boosts your blood sugar, and replaces electrolytes lost in sweat. It’s a nutritionally preferable choice to a carb-only, sugar-based sports drink (2). And it is yummy chocolate—with purpose and meaning, and no guilt!!!


How much caffeine is in chocolate?
The amount of caffeine in chocolate depends on how much cocoa powder is in it. Milk chocolate is only 10 to 20% cocoa, regular dark chocolate is 50-69% cocoa, and strong dark chocolate has more than 70% cocoa. The higher the percentage of cocoa, the higher the caffeine. That said, the 20 milligrams of caffeine in an ounce of dark chocolate pales in comparison to the 200 mg. in a mug of coffee. Chocolate’s energy boost comes from sugar, more so than caffeine.



Is chocolate fattening?
Like any food that is eaten in excess, chocolate can be fattening. That said, data from 13,626 adults (>20 years old, nondiabetic) suggests chocolate consumption was not associated with obesity.


Is there a best time of the day to eat chocolate?

If you are destined to eat a treat, such as chocolate cake, enjoy it earlier in the day, as opposed to indulging at 8:00 p.m. when you are tired and lack the mental energy needed to stop yourself from over-indulging. You are going to eat the chocolate eventually, so why not enjoy it sooner than later?


Believe it or not, eating chocolate cake with breakfast might actually help dieters reach their weight loss goal. Research (3) with 193 adults on a reducing diet suggests those who had cake with breakfast had fewer cravings for carbohydrates and sweets later in the day. By front-loading their calories, they were less hungry and less likely to stray from their diet plan. They ate either a 300-calorie protein-based breakfast or a 600-calorie breakfast that included protein plus chocolate cake (or another dessert).


In the first 16 weeks, both groups lost an average of 33 pounds per person. But in the second half of the study, the no-cake group had poor compliance and regained an average of 22 pounds per person while the cake-eaters continued to lose another 15 pounds each. By 32-weeks, the cake eaters had lost about 40 pounds more than their peers. Does chocolate make for a more sustainable diet?



The bottom line

By no means is chocolate the key to a healthy sports diet, nor is eating lots of dark chocolate preferable to snacking on apples and bananas. It’s no secret: chocolate contains primarily nutrient-poor calories from sugar and fat. A Hershey's Bar (43 g) has 220 calories—of which about 40% are from 21 grams of added sugar and about 55% of calories from fat. Hence, you want to enjoy chocolate in moderation, so it does not crowd-out other nutrient-dense foods. But even if you are a weight-conscious, health-conscious athlete, you can balance chocolate into your overall wholesome sports diet—and add a taste of pleasure to your day.




Sports Nutritionist Nancy Clark, MS, RD counsels both casual and competitive athletes in the Boston-area (Newton; 617-795-1875). Her Sports Nutrition Guidebook can help you eat to win. For more information about her books and online workshop, visit NancyClarkRD.com.






Anti-Aging: 5 Signs You May Be Dehydrated



By Coach John Hughes

Dehydration hurts performance, right? Not necessarily. But don’t ignore it.


Pro racers ride so hard their guts can’t absorb enough fluid to replace all that they sweat out. Race rules may restrict when a rider can get a bottle toward the end of a stage. Although somewhat dehydrated, the pros sprint quite well! Despite the dehydration pro, we rarely read about cramps in the peloton. In lab experiments, dehydration has not been shown to cause cramps.


We’ve all seen pictures of runners collapsing at the end of a marathon or triathlon. Must be because the runner is dehydrated, right? Wrong. When an athlete stops, the runner’s pulse and blood pressure fall significantly so less blood gets to the brain and the runner faints.


For more read my column on 12 Myths About Hydration.


The average male’s body is 60% water; the average female’s is 50%. The typical athlete has another 10% water because glycogen is stored with water. If we don’t replace most this, we die. However, almost all of the heat-related deaths every summer are shut-ins living in homes with no air conditioning. Your body has about 2 quarts (liters) of free water in your intestines. You don’t even start to feel thirsty until you’ve lost 1.5 to 2 quarts of water!


The American College of Sports Medicine recommends avoiding dehydration of more than 2%, i.e., 2% of your weight.  If you weigh 150 lbs, then 2% dehydration is three pounds. Three pounds is about 1.5 quarts of water.


Physicians, scientists and coaches now recommend drinking enough to satisfy your thirst, not significantly more.  Joe Friel recommends: “Pay attention to your thirst mechanism. Drink when you are thirsty. When you’re not thirsty, don’t drink. It’s that simple.” [The Cyclist’s Training Bible (2009) page 257]


If you drink when you’re thirsty you won’t get more than 2% dehydrated.


For more read my column on Anti-Aging: Why “Drink Before You’re Thirsty” May Be Dangerous.


Aging and dehydration


The Mayo Clinic says, “As you age, your body’s fluid reserve becomes smaller, your ability to conserve water is reduced and your thirst sense becomes less acute. These problems are compounded by chronic illnesses such as diabetes and dementia, and by the use of certain medications.” Mayo Clinic dehydration symptoms and causes


Last December I tried to ride up Berthoud Pass (11,300 ft.) I live at 9,000 ft., so the altitude wasn’t much of a problem. I made it to about 11,000 ft. and passed out. My bike and I rode in an ambulance to the hospital. After echocardiograms, blood tests and a treadmill stress test the cardiologist concluded nothing was wrong with me — except I was dehydrated.  As I got more dehydrated while climbing my blood volume decreased and my blood pressure dropped. So I passed out.


You can read more about my misadventure here Anti-Aging: Avoiding Dehydration


Signs of dehydration:

  • Thirst. This is the most obvious; however as noted above the thirst mechanism becomes less acute with aging.
  • Skin test. Pinch and release the skin on the back of your hand or forearm. If your skin stays pinched for a few seconds instead of immediately becoming normal, then you probably need more fluids.
  • Urinating. If you’re not urinating every two or three hours you probably need more fluid. However, dark urine isn’t a sign of dehydration. Dark urine can result from supplements your body is excreting.
  • Mood swings. Studies suggest even mild dehydration could make you more irritable and even anxious.
  • Lightheadedness. If you feel dizzy after standing up, you are probably are dehydrated. You get dizzy or lightheaded when your brain isn’t getting enough blood. As you get dehydrated the volume of your blood decreases lowering your blood pressure causing lightheadedness.

[New York Times 5 Signs You Might Be Dehydrated]

If you have any of these signs get more fluids until the signs go away. In addition to beverages, oranges, strawberries, watermelon and even lettuce are primarily water.

Here’s another useful article: “If there is one health myth that will not die, it is this: You should drink eight glasses of water a day. It’s just not true. There is no science behind it.”  Aaron E. Carroll M.D. No, You Do Not Have to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day




Related columns:


Coach John Hughes earned coaching certifications from USA Cycling and the National Strength and Conditioning Association. John’s cycling career includes course records in the Boston-Montreal-Boston 1200-km randonnée and the Furnace Creek 508, a Race Across AMerica (RAAM) qualifier. He has ridden solo RAAM twice and is a 5-time finisher of the 1200-km Paris-Brest-Paris.


He has written nearly 40 eBooks and eArticles on cycling training and nutrition, available in RBR’s eBookstore at Coach John Hughes. Click to read John’s full bio.  


My eBook Anti-Aging: 12 Ways You Can Slow the Aging Process includes chapters on how to meet the American College of Sports Medicine’s recommendations on aerobic, high intensity aerobic, strength training, weight-bearing exercises, balance and flexibility. I include sample weeks and months for different types and amounts of exercise. I give you plans to build up to 100 km and 100 mile rides. I include a plan to increase over two years your annual riding from around 4,000 miles (6,500 km) to over 5,000 miles (8,000 km) per year. You can easily modify the plans for different annual amounts of riding. I discuss the importance of recovery and how to gauge if you are getting enough recovery. I combine the different kinds of training into programs that balance training and recovery. The 106-page eBook is available here Anti-Aging: 12 Ways You Can Slow the Aging Process 





Stainless Steel for Exercise Water Bottles

By Dr. Gabe Mirkin




Most exercise water bottles are made from plastic, and about 10 percent of them contain the chemical BPA, a highly suspected carcinogen and hormone blocker. The Food and Drug Administration plans to decide by October 31, 2022 whether to ban BPA from most containers and utensils that come in contact with food. They have already banned BPA from baby bottles. “Most Americans get 5,000 times more BPA in their daily diet than the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) expert panel says is safe,” said Tom Neltner, Environmental Defense Fund’s Senior Director, Safer Chemicals (EDF.org/media, June 2, 2022). Even plastic products labeled BPA-free can still contain other substances such as BPS or PVC that may be carcinogens.

At this point, glass appears to be the safest material for water bottles, but glass breaks so readily that most people will not use it during exercise. Metal water bottles can release metals into drinks (Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 1979;21:600–603), so almost all metal bottles except those made from stainless steel are lined with plastic. Stainless steel water bottles may be your best choice during exercise because they do not leach metals into plain water, tea, coffee or milk (Science of The Total Environment, Jan 15, 2009;407(3),1089-1096). However, some people are still concerned about stainless steel exercise bottles. Acid drinks, such as most sodas, can increase release of metals into drinks (Int J Electrochem Sci, 2015;10:3792-3802). Stainless steel bottles did leach nickel, chromium, and iron into lemon, orange, mango and strawberry juices after five days (Int J Electrochem Sci, March 23, 2015;10:3792 – 3802), and vinegar leached nickel from stainless steel cups (J South Carolina Academy of Science, 2018;16 (2)). Heating stainless steel at high temperatures can release significant amounts of metals during cooking (J Agric Food Chem, Oct 12, 2013;61(39):9495–9501).


My Recommendations
We need more studies, but stainless steel may be your best choice for water bottles when you exercise because they do not appear to leach significant amounts of metals into cold drinks. Bottles made from other metals such as aluminum could leach the metals into your drink, so they are all lined with plastics, some of which can harm you. Plastic water bottles can leach various potentially harmful substances into drinks, and glass bottles are at high risk for breaking. While we wait for the FDA decision, Diana and I have gotten rid of all our plastic water bottles and switched to stainless steel. Amazon has some very nice ones that fit into our standard water bottle holders.




This article is courtesy of Dr. Mirkin https://www.drmirkin.com/

Sports medicine doctor, fitness guru and long-time radio host Gabe Mirkin, M.D., brings you news and tips for your healthful lifestyle.  A practicing physician for more than 50 years and a radio talk show host for 25 years, Dr. Mirkin is a graduate of Harvard University and Baylor University College of Medicine. He is board-certified in four specialties: Sports Medicine, Allergy and Immunology, Pediatrics and Pediatric Immunology. The Dr. Mirkin Show, his call-in show on fitness and health, was syndicated in more than 120 cities. Read More




Looking Back

WheelPeople Editors

Ten years ago this month the club stopped providing a printed versions of WheelPeople. Those of you who have been members for a while will remember getting our newsletter in the mail. Recent members will of course think it was always digital. WheelPeople used to be the main vehicle for communicating with the membership, including ride announcements, but along came email and other means of electronic communication, and the Club  moved with the times.















October Picture of the Month

WheelPeople Editors

You realize there are multiple types of bike frame materials, and you’re not sure which to choose when buying a bike. Generally speaking, there are four main options: aluminum, carbon fiber, titanium, and steel. However this rider found a material that most overlook. Each of the popular materials has its pros and cons like corrosion resistance, affordability, ride ability, ease of repair and cost. We can't even imagine how this bike frame stacks up.


We don't know the bike owner, but it looks like that fellow had an axe to grind


Photo by Alex Post