Century Photos
Climb to the Clouds
Climb to the Clouds 2007
(photos by Will Williams)
Climb to the Clouds 2007
(photos by David Shadmon)
Climb to the Clouds 2009
(photos by Jack Donohue and Kimberley Fitch)
Climb to the Clouds 2013
(photos by Jack Donohue)
Climb to the Clouds 2013
(photos by Kaz Zelny)
Climb to the Clouds 2015
(photos by Duane Roth)
Fall Century
Spring Century
Other Photos
Memorial Day Dash to Montreal
Saturday Fitness Ride
Mighty Squirrel Ride
New Year's Ride
Annual New Year's Ride 1987
(photos by Jamie King)
Annual New Year's Ride 2004
(photos by John Allen)
Annual New Year's Ride 2005
(photos by Gary Smiley)
Annual New Year's Ride 2015
(photos by John Springfield)
Annual New Year's Ride 2016
(photos by John Springfield and Bill O'Hara)
Annual New Year's Ride 2017
(photos by Andy Brand)
New Year's Day Ride 2023
(photos by Jamie King)
Miscellaneous Events
Wednesday Wheelers
Blue Hills SnowShoe (1/13/2011)
(photos by Mike Hanauer)
Carlisle & Estabrook Country (2/9/2011)
(photos by Mike Hanauer)
Caryl Park Dover Hike (12/22/2010)
(photos by Mike Hanauer)
Dick Arsenault 80th Birthday Party (2/11/2009)
(photos by Mike Hanauer)
NH Seacoast (9/03/2009)
(photos by Mike Hanauer)
Pre-Thanksgiving at Jerry Green's House (11/21/2012)
(photos by Eli Post)
Pre-Thanksgiving at Jerry Green's House 2014
(photos by Adena Schutzberg)
RI Holiday Party (12/08/2010)
(photos by Mike Hanauer)
Ski Estabrook Woods (1/20/2010)
(photos by Mike Hanauer)
Ski Estabrook Woods (1/26/2005)
(photos by Mike Hanauer)
Tall Ships (7/10/2009)
(photos by Mike Hanauer)
Wellesley Walk (11/19/2008)
(photos by Mike Hanauer)
Climb to the Clouds 2013 Volunteer Party
(photos by Mike Hanauer)