CRW Safety Corner

The CRW promotes safe, courteous, and lawful cycling practices. CRW members are expected to cycle in a safe, courteous, and lawful manner when participating in CRW rides, and to encourage the same among fellow members and CRW guests.

See Past Safety Articles (Published in WheelPeople) below. Links to additional safety resources are at right.

We hope you find this safety information useful.

  • We welcome your comments/suggestions. safety [at] ([Click here])
  • Would you like to help the CRW promote safety? safety [at] ([Click here])

Safety Resources

Skills Development


Street Smarts (by John Allen)
Effective Cycling (by John Forrester):


Safety Materials

What to Bring on a CRW Ride

Pump, patch kit, spare tube, allen wrenches, screwdriver, lock, water bottle, some money, helmet, gloves, map, ID card, health insurance card, pen and paper, and emergency contact information

Reporting Injuries

Please report all injuries incurred on CRW rides with as much information as you have (victim's name and contact information, date of injury, name of ride, crash location, description, actions taken, etc.). Send email to the safety [at] (Safety Coordinator.)

Additional Links